Our Prayer Forum

Academy for Future Science (12 messages) - Doctors JJ and Desiree Hurtak and Kathy

Alice Lloyd College (2 messages) - 100 Purpose Rd Providing Leadership for Applachia

American society for Yad Vashem Inc (3 messages) - Prayers to preserve the cause of perpetuating memory of Six Million Victims of Shoah

AmericanSanskritInstitute (3 messages) - Christia Yoga and Sanskrit Upanishad Teaching

Apologetics Information Ministry (1 message) - The Deity of Jesus: Jesus is YAHWEH (JEHOVAH) God the Son

Blind Prayer Forum (2 messages) - prayers for the blind

Buddhist Christian Christian Buddhist (21 messages) - Prayer forum to get to know the One Buddha who is God's Son Christ Jesus

Calohan- Harrell- Gordon families (32 messages) - The eternal continuance, well-being, health, happiness of these branches of God's Tree of Life

Cardinal Giovanni Re and Missionaries of Charity (1 message) - Long Time prayer friends in the Vatican Rome Italy

Chancellor Carol (2 messages) - Our UC Berkeley Poet Laureate Prayer Friend

Christian Appalachian Project (3 messages) - Interdenominational, building hope, lifting us up together in prayer to those in poverty in rural communities

Christian Jewish Messianic Fusion (0 messages) - Rabbi Jason Sobel and thousand of prayer friends

Christian Jewish Scientific Prayers (4 messages) - Sweeping Denials, then Theological Affirmations of Human and Divine Truth

ChristineDayOnline (1 message) - Pleiadian Emissaries of Light prayers

Christopher and Dana Reeve (1 message) - Forum of prayer help for healing of spinal cord injuries

Communion Prayers (2 messages) - prayers from the Christian Christian (or your own) communion

Community Meal Prayers (5 messages) - For occasions of common worship among Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus

Crippled Prayer Forum (2 messages) - prayers for the handicapped

Difficult Problems that God might be able to help with (25 messages) - No charge for this service, but it requires a general confession (see communion prayers)

Divine Life Society (20 messages) - Translations of Some Sadhana Prayers of Swami Sivananda Saraswati Maharaj, Vishnudevananda, Chidananda,Krishnananda

Drummond St Neighborhood (59 messages) - Neighborhood Watch Assn to work with police to stop a growing criminal gang presence

Emile Coue and Steven and Joy Gurgevich Healing Center (19 messages) - A future (year 2150) famous healing center for the teaching and discussion of learning self-hypnosis

Evening Prayers (1 message) - prayers before sleeping at night (or dying)

EWTN Franciscan Fathers (11 messages) - Long term prayers of the rosary meditations and other. Christian Jewish Communion requests

FrenchCampAcademy (3 messages) - Ms Christian Training Academy for High School Students from around the World

Gainful Purposefull Employment (18 messages) - prayers for those who need good honest work

Gordon and Gordon-Conwell (19 messages) - College and Theological Seminary

Holly Birkham YHWH and iRest (5 messages) - Prayers for Holly and Andrew, YHWH God to help victims in FL of human trafficking


Improving MS government (3 messages) - prayers to help us improve our state government

International Fellowship of ChristianJews and Jewish Christians (6 messages) - Service Organization helping others help our YHWH God and Christ

International House and Cal Berkeley Alumni CA (16 messages) - Alumni Group and Campus residence purposed to foster international respect and understanding, lifelong friendships and leadership skills.

JehovahWitnesses (2 messages) - Brothers and Sisters in Christ that also believe in YHWH as the Name of God

Jewish Christian Prayers (73 messages) - prayer help for Christians and Jews who want to pray together

JEWS FOR JESUS AND JESUS FOR JEWS (2 messages) - Overall branch of many different Messianic Jewish Worhippers

Monastery of Christ in the Desert (8 messages) - Some long time Benedictine Monk Prayer friends

Old Testament Bible Verses (1 message) - Some verses with various powers of aspects of God's Name to Contemplate

OurPrayerGroup (6 messages) - Affirmations for Holy Days

Paracletos Monastery (1 message) - Orthodox Christian monks and nuns making icons for us

Pope Benedict (1 message) - Christmas prayers with His Holiness Benedict XVI

Pope Francis (50 messages) - A Spanish friend of Jesus

Pope John Paul II (6 messages) - prayer partner of the YHWH School of Chrisitianity during the 1980s,1990s

Prayers for Orphans (3 messages) - Prayer Help for Orpans

Prayers for Peace (5 messages) - general thoughts

Prayers for the Nations (1 message) - Praying to Bring Heaven on Earth, one child, one friend, one family, one nation, one partner in Christ at a time

Prayers for Ukraine (50 messages) - Prayers with YHWH God, Jesus Christ, Saint Mary to stop war in Ukraine

Prayers from the Upanishads (37 messages) - Sanskrit (yoga) prayer mantra chants

Prayers with Saint Andrew (8 messages) - Long time prayer requests to the first disciple called for help by Jesus

Prayers with Saint Ann (1 message) - Mother of Saint Mary, long time prayer friend and love interest of Saint Andrew

Prayers with Saint Mary (9 messages) - Long time, in fact Eternal, prayer partner of Saint Andrew

Praying with Saint Bernard (4 messages) - Praying with Saint Bernard's Four Degrees of Love, forever

President of the United States (39 messages) - democratically elected leader of our beloved country upon which God has shed his grace

Prime Minister of Israel (5 messages) - democratically elected leader of some of those who have struggled with God and won

Quran (18 messages) - Translations of some of the Sutras and Introductory prayers.

Samaritans Purse (13 messages) - Internatinal Relief Effort Franklin Graham President

SenatorCindyHydeSmith (1 message) - Prayers with MS Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith to be able to better help Mississippi

Silent Unity (175 messages) - Prayers of Unity Sch of Christ, Unity, MO

Special Prayers (18 messages) - for the compassion of Jesus and more

St Bonaventure Indian Mission (0 messages) - Indian Mission and School

St Joseph Indian School (4 messages) - We serve and teach, we receive and learn

Swami Cidananda (1 message) - Possibly a New Jesus Christ

Swami Hariharananda (1 message) - Paramahamsa Yogananda's successor

Testimonials (1 message) - Letters from some successes praying with our prayer partners

The Church of the Holy Trinity (1 message) - Large, Beautiful Church in Downtown Vicksburg, MS

UCBerkeley (2 messages) - Graduate Mathematics Department I received Phd from 1974

UNICEF (3 messages) - Worldwide organization to help children

Vanderbilt Divinity School (1 message) - Oak Leaf Quint Prayer Partners

Vicksburg Mississippi (5 messages) - Prayers for the people living here in our little town

What has Love got to do with it (3 messages) -

Wings of The Spirit (2 messages) - Ministry of Love Healing Service

World Jewish Congress (3 messages) - Jewish Communities of the World

Health and Healing (109 messages) - attainment and maintenance of physical, mental, spiritual heath

Upholding the Truth (27 messages) - Upholding in our Souls God's Truth and our Truth

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