Blaise Pascal (3 messages) - Hope with the odds
Charles Fillmore (3 messages) - Co-founder of Unity School of Christianity
Computer Mathematics (3 messages) - Computer applications of Mathematical Logic, Group Theory, Network Search Algorithms
Cyrus H Gordon (1 message) - Debates about ancient migrations and the evidence for sources of our Greek, Hebrew languages
Dr Mortimer Adler (7 messages) - We discuss some of the great ideas still existing inside of the soul of this great prayer partner
Dr Neil Douglas Klotz (3 messages) - His teachings about Sufi Mysticism and a possible different Armaic Jesus than our Greek Hebrew One
Early History of Exploration of the Southern USA (3 messages) - Comments on the material at the main website directory (1606-1804)
Forum on the Middle East (10 messages) - Can our US administration help the people there forge lasting Peace?
International Conference of Christians and Jews (3 messages) - Theological discussions trying to eliminate contempt between these two religions
Isaac Asimov (6 messages) - terms, people, places, thoughts from his robotic and foundation series of novels
Jewish Christian Calendar Studies (2 messages) - Using the mathematical formulas of celestial mechanics to study astro-lunar religious history questions
Joseph Rabinowitz (4 messages) - The Herzl of Jewish Christianity
Korean Unification Church (1 message) - discussions about the need for and the notion or concept of our Triune God
Muslims Christians Jews (2 messages) - How can we move forward together democratically?
Paramahamsa Yogananda (1 message) - Eastern trained teacher of Raja and Kriya Yoga in the United States in the last century
Philosophy of Religion (43 messages) - Logical discussions and arguments that help us know God
Prayers of St Teresa of Avila (3 messages) - Relation of her prayer methods to those of Patanjali
Religion and Science (37 messages) - Can faith and reason interact together for their mutual benefit?
Religious freedom (0 messages) - Freely posted discussions among Atheists Christians Jews Muslims Scientologists, Buddhists about how to help us all have religious freedom
Scientology (29 messages) - A thousand year forum for discussions between Scientologists and Christians and Jews
St Ignatius Loyola (2 messages) - Spirtual Exercises
Stephen Hawking (1 message) - Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is Life
Tai Chi and QiQong teaching methods (3 messages) - Teaching Forum to go along with our Drummond St. Tai-Chi group
The Jewish Jesus (3 messages) - Rabbi Schneider and Cynthia Discussions
The Lotus in the Cross and the Cross in the Lotus (9 messages) - Buddhist and Christian Dialogues
Theories of Consciousness (6 messages) - Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
Theory of Prophecy (76 messages) - Thoughts about how we can best be prophets as men and women of God
Therese Bullard (6 messages) - Gaia Channel Mystery School Discussions-Teachings
Vesica Institute (27 messages) - Dr. Robert J. Gilbert’s Rosacrusian site
Yoga and Meditation (56 messages) - How to realize divine mind
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (16 messages) - A fundamental text for students of Yoga and Contemplative Prayer