Gordon and Gordon-Conwell Prayer Forum
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new calendars needed? (DRAndrewWilliamHarrell) posted on 10/1/2021
Received three request for money form Gordon College (DRAndrewWilliamHarrell) posted on 11/21/2020
Rosh Hashanah (DRAndrewWilliamHarrell) posted on 9/24/2020
Blessings exchanged with Jonathan Tymann, Dan's brother (DRAndrewWilliamHarrell) posted on 5/21/2020
small gift (Andrew W. Harrell) - 5 responses, last on 5/18/2020
gift of new calendar (Andrew W. Harrell) posted on 11/27/2018
Christmas 2017 Prayers (Andrew W. Harrell) posted on 11/26/2017
Christmas 2014 Prayers (Andrew W. Harrell) - 2 responses, last on 11/30/2014
long term prayers for success at Gordon-Conwell and forward from there (Andrew W. Harrell) - 3 responses, last on 10/31/2018